Torn City Online Game Hints

Posted by MrBlogger | 10:54 PM | | 0 comments »

  1. Get a job! doesnt really matter where to begin with, they are all rubbish until you get to level 3.
  2. Get a gun and some ammo.
  3. Join the gym. use this site to work out what to train on next, just copy and paste in your battle stats. my stats are all in 1% of the recommended ratio. because of this im capable of taking out people who are a couple of levels higher than me.
  4. Start an education course and always have one on the go, once you finished one start another. different courses give you boosts in different working stats.
  5. Move out of your shack into a new property. you probabley wont be able to afford one but just post up and somebody here will sort you out!
  6. Stay out of jail! you have hidden stats which are crime and experience. if get caught your crime stats drop and obviously if you succeed they go up. do crimes you know you can do and when you have done them loads of times try the next one.
  7. You get given merits as your game rank goes up, you just use these there are a number of things you can do but i use them to increase my life bar.
  8. You will probably also get the odd point here and there, because cash will be tight for you its best i think to sell them.
  1. This is where the fun can really start if u want to become a donator. it costs $5 for about 30days, with this you get a 150 energy bar, your energey u get 5 energy every 10 mins instead of 15mins and most importantly you get 50points the only thing points are really good for are selling, go to the points market in the city and sell them for anything between $21000 and $24000 each! this will make u a millionaire.
  2. The better your happy bar the more battle stats you get when u goto the gym, so get the best house you can afford. ive got a mansion with 875 happy.
  3. Now you are level 3 you can get a better job. you will no doubt get somebody mailing you to sign up with their company, these are run by other players. pay normally ranges from about $1000-$3000 for this level but they also give you much better working stats for example i was a cleaner and i was getting 30 maual and 10 endurance 0 intellingence, now im a car salesman and i get 30 endurance and 15intelligence.
  4. If you have become a donator, you will be able to afford to train on drugs. i take an ecstasy a day and train on that. the downside is they cost from $42000 each. there are plenty of other drugs cannabis being the cheapest, this also helps with your training just not as much as ecstasy but i do think it helps you when commiting crimes.
  5. Try and keep your money up by buying and selling, i make a few hundred grand a week which at least pays for my drug habit!
  1. An auction house will become available to you in the city now, a great way to find some bargains.
  2. You will also be given two missions which you find in the red light district part of the city( cant keep britsoldier away from there) type in torn city passwords on google and you will find the answer!
  1. You will get another mission in the city.
  1. You will get another mission in the city.
  2. You should have learned how to play now, so what you still reading this for?